The Department of ECE with an intake of 240 in B.Tech Programme also offers M.Tech Programmes in EMBEDDED SYSTEMS &VLSI and EMBEDDED SYSTEMS. The Dept. has state of the art laboratories with latest software's like CADENCE, MATLAB, XILINX, CCSTUDIO, KEIL, RTOS, RT Linux, OSCAD, PSPICE and Multisim. We have well qualified and experienced faculty members. The Dept established IEEE, IETE & ISTE student chapters and Technical Association "ELECTROSPIKES" under which it organizes National Level Technical Symposium-FUTURE SASTRA and State Level Technical Symposium-MEDHA every Academic Year. The Department has Technical e-Magazine "TECHNITRONIX".The Department Organized National Conference on Signal Processing Communications and System Design(SPCOM-SD), International Conference on Signal Processing Communications and System Design(ICSPCOM-SD).The Dept. organized Faculty Development Programmes on Analog & Digital Design using CADENCE Tools, Embedded System using 32 - bit processor, Programmable System on Chip Mixed Signal Microcontroller, Refresher Course on Analog and Digital Communications, VLSI Design using CADENCE Tools and Workshop on Planning Research Method and Technology leading to Doctoral Level and Student Development Programmes like Workshops on DSP implementation using ARM Processor, Robotics, Circuit Design and Implementation using PCB, Digital Circuit Design using OSCAD, MATLAB and Adobe Photoshop. National Level and Intra college Student Conferences on Systems, Signal Processing and Communication, conference on Embedded System, VLSI, Signal Processing and Communication, Intra College Conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering and Technical Symposium like Tech Extreme-2k14. The Dept. also organizes regular student seminar sessions of two hours per week for I to IV B.Tech student to enhance their all round performance. The Dept. also offers value added certification Courses on BEC, Microsoft and CISCO certification through Center for Development of Communication Skills, Microsoft Innovation Center and CISCO Networking Academy respectively. The College Offers Campus Recruitment Training Programmes in collaboration with TIME and Coign Institutions. The Department provides online solutions to Teachers & Students of JNTUH & JNTUK Affiliated Colleges through e-Learning Solutions and Two-Way HD Delivery Mechanism under JNTUH & Centre of Excellence for e-Resource Development & Deployment under JNTUK in collaboration with Globerena Center of Excellence. The Department is Recognized Nodal Centre by Engineering Staff College of India (ESCI), Institute of Engineers to Organize Workshops and also recognized nodal Centre by Regional Telecom Training Centre (RTTI),BSNL Govt. of India in Association with AICTE. The Department also publishes the Registered Journal "International Journal of Research in Signal Processing, Computing and Communication-System Design (IJRSCSD) with an ISSN: 2395-3187
Engineering knowledge
An ability to apply knowledge of Mathematics (including Probability & Statistics and Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science), Science, and Engineering.
Problem analysis
An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data including hardware and software components
Design / development of solutions
An ability to design a complex computing system or process to meet desired specifications and needs.
Conduct investigations of complex problems
Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
Modern tool usage
An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
The engineer and society
An ability to understanding of professional, health, safety, legal, cultural and social responsibilities.
Environment and sustainability
The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and demonstrate the knowledge need for sustainable development.
Project management and finance
An ability to use the modern engineering tools, techniques, skills and management principles to do work as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects in multi-disciplinary environments
Life-long learning
A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, to resolve contemporary issues and acquire lifelong learning
The ability to analyze, design, code and test application specific or complex engineering problems in Cryptography and Network Security, Design and Analysis of Algorithm, Computer Networks, Data Mining, Cloud Computing, Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cyber Security, Block chain Technology, and Big Data by applying the knowledge of basic sciences, engineering mathematics and engineering fundamentals.
The ability to adapt for rapid changes in tools and technology with an understanding of societal and ecological issues, relevant to professional engineering practice through life-long learning.
Excellent adaptability to function in multi-disciplinary work environment, good interpersonal skills as a leader in a team, in appreciation of professional ethics and societal responsibilities.